128) $f1 = FALSE; if (strlen($f2) > 128) $f2 = FALSE; if (!preg_match('/[\w\x20\-\_]+/', $f1)) $f1 = FALSE; if (!preg_match('/[\w\x20\-\_]+/', $f2)) $f2 = FALSE; $bs = (float)$bs; $ms = (float)$ms; if (($bs < 3) || ($bs > 200)) $bs = FALSE; if (($ms < 0) || ($ms > 10)) $ms = FALSE; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Parsing function. Takes array of lines, returns generated HTML as a single string. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function parse_wiki($lines, $toc) { global $f1, $f2, $bs, $ms; $res = ''; $html_from_tbl = array('<', '>', '\\\\'); $html_to_tbl = array('<', '>', '
'); $line = 0; $code = 0; $tbl = 0; $ul = 0; $ol = 0; foreach ($lines as $c) { if ($line == 0) { $title = preg_replace('/^=(.*)=$/U', '$1', $c); $res .= '' . $title . ''; if (!$toc) $res .= '
Table of Contents
'; $line = 1; } $c = str_replace($html_from_tbl, $html_to_tbl, $c); /* ====== special underlined header for autodocs ====== */ $c = preg_replace('/___(\S.+\S)___/U', '


', $c); /* ====== headers ====== */ $c = preg_replace('/====(\S.+\S)====/U', '


', $c); $c = preg_replace('/===(\S.+\S)===/U', '


', $c); $c = preg_replace('/==(\S.+\S)==/U', '


', $c); $c = preg_replace('/=(\S.+\S)=/U', '


', $c); /* ====== special underlined header used for autodocs ====== */ $c = preg_replace('/==_(\S.+\S)_==/U', '


', $c); /* ====== '''bold''', ''italic'', ^^superscript^^, ,,subscript,, ====== */ $c = preg_replace('/\x27\x27\x27(.*)\x27\x27\x27/U', '$1', $c); $c = preg_replace('/\x27\x27(.*)\x27\x27/U', '$1', $c); $c = preg_replace('/\^\^([\w]+)\^\^/U', '$1', $c); $c = preg_replace('/\,\,([\w]+)\,\,/U', '$1', $c); /* ====== paragraphs ====== */ if ($c[0] == "\t") $c = "\n

" . substr($c, 1) . "

\n"; // plain, starting with tab if ($c[0] == '_' && $c[1] == '_') $c = "\n
" . substr($c, 2) . "
\n"; // note, starting with "__" if ($c[0] == '^' && $c[1] == '^') $c = "\n
" . substr($c, 2) . "
\n"; // important, starting with "^^" /* ====== code ====== */ if ($c[0] == ' ') { if ($code == 0) { $res .= "\n
"; $code = 1; } $c = str_replace(' ', ' ', substr($c, 1)) . '
'; } else { if ($code == 1) $res .= "
\n"; $code = 0; } /* ====== tables ====== */ if ($c[0] == '|') { if ($tbl == 0) { $res .= ''; $tbl = 1; } $cells = trim($c, '|'); $cells = explode('|', $cells); $res .= ''; foreach ($cells as $cell) { $colspan = strspn($cell, '#'); $cell = ltrim($cell, '#'); $cadjust = strspn($cell, '^'); $cell = ltrim($cell, '^'); $radjust = strspn($cell, '$'); $cell = ltrim($cell, '$'); $class = ''; if ($radjust > 0) $class = ' class="r"'; if ($cadjust > 0) $class = ' class="c"'; if ($colspan > 0) $colspan = " colspan=\"$colspan\""; else $colspan = ''; $res .= "$cell"; } $res .= ''; } else { if ($tbl == 1) $res .= '
'; $tbl = 0; } /* ====== images [[img |